
CMA Sri Lanka – Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka

If you have decided that ACCA is the route for you to progress your career, then learn the basic procedures of the registration for a student.

The Institute of Certified Management Accountants (CMA) of Sri Lanka was incorporated in April 2009 as the National Professional Management Accounting Institution in Sri Lanka by Parliament Act No.23 of 2009. CMA was set up in the year 2000 with Technical Assistance of CMA Canada, now CPA Canada.

CMA Sri Lanka qualification is one of the most applicable management accounting qualifications in Sri Lanka and some other parts of the world. The qualification helps the students and the members in different sectors such as government, private and Non – Governmental organizations to perform a better practice in the management accounting and finance. CMA Sri Lanka is the national body for management accounting in Sri Lanka incorporated under statute. The syllabus contents and the exam structure of this profession have been designed in accordance with the emerging requirements in the commercial world for the management accountants with the guidance of some foreign accountancy bodies. With the full professional CMA qualification you will become the prime source of financial information to make business decisions as a head of finance or a financial consultant of the company in private sector or in the public sector.

The different industries seek for talented management accountants and strategic finance professions and CMA Sri Lanka helps you to become a qualified candidate for the proper recognition in the professional world. CMA qualification will help you to gain the technical ability of the accountancy while increasing your capacity in the area of fully fledged accountancy knowledge.

CMA is ensure to upgrade your skills and the knowledge where you can add value addition to the financial portfolio of the company and that’s why this qualification is highly accepted worldwide understanding the benefits that one can gain through the comprehensive knowledge of CMA The fully qualified CMA members and the students who are following CMA are required to conform to the code of ethics of CMA and to adapt to the fundamental principles of the practical world while maintaining the commitment of keeps its standard of ethics and professional at its highest levels.

Am I eligible to embark on CMA Sri Lanka ?

Three passes at the G. C. E. Advanced Level Examination together with a Pass in English Language and Mathematics at the G.C.E. O/L Examination

A candidate who has one of the following qualifications also can register as a Student.

  • A relevant Degree of a University o0f Sri Lanka or any other University approved by the council of the Institute.
  • Membership of the Sri Lanka Government Accountants Service.
  • Final Examination of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators, U.K.
  • Final Examinations of the Institute of Financial Accountants, U.K.
  • Final Examination of the Association of the International Accountants, U.K.
  • Final Examination of the Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka or London.
  • Final Examination of the Chartered Institute of Marketing.
  • Foundation Examination /CAB 1 of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka.
  • Part qualification of professional, university, vocational and other qualifications will be considered on a case by case basis.
  • AAT Level II(Accounting Analyst – AA2).
  • Final examination of the International Association of Bookkeepers (IAB).
  • A candidate who has passed any of the examinations indicated in the & Exemption Policy & is eligible to register as a Student.
  • Candidates who do not have credit passes in English and Mathematics at the G.C. E. O/L but have secured subject passes in Business Communication and Business Mathematics in another Professional or University examination will be eligible to register as a student provided other entry requirements are met.
  • Final Examination of CCA of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants (CMA)

Mature Entry :

Those in employment and over 18 years of age with a minimum of 2 years’ experience in an Accounting environment, together with a recommendation from the employer will be considered for registration under Mature Entry.

Course Duration

The exams of the CMA Sri Lanka are held twice a year as in May and November. The four levels of exam and the Case Study will facilitate a student to become a full profession within a two to three year time. In addition to the exam, the course consists of some hands on experience and training requirements in IT.

Course Options for Study

You can choose the flexible study options depend on how often you sit your exams and where you get your relevant practical experience. Attending tuition classes at KBBS is one way to master the CMA syllabus as it offers the benefits of a well-structured programme which will be guided by highly qualified lecturers with expertise in the CMA qualification and you have the chance to meet and share knowledge with other CMA students. KBBS will offer the benefit from a structured study programme and tutorial support.

Choose from a variety of different study options including:

  • Full-time courses
  • Part-time day or evening courses
  • Weekend courses
  • Revision courses

Practical Training

The students who complete the exams need to have 3 years of Practical Experience Requirement to be eligible for the membership. The training can be from any industry which must cover a minimum of the following areas

  • Financial Accounting & Reporting.
  • Management Accounting & Decision Making.
  • Information & Communication Technology.
  • Business Analysis & Risk Management.
  • Regulatory Environment.
  • Interpersonal & Communication Skills.
  • Ethics & Governance.
  • Self–Management.
  • Planning & Innovative Thinking.

Additional support KBBS Campus offers

When you register as a CMA student at our institute you will get access to a range of resources and support, including

  • Well-Structured Course Tutorial Materials.
  • Syllabus And Study Guides.
  • Past Exam Papers.
  • Facebook – Where You Can Network With Other Students With Free Internet Access.
  • Mock Examinations Closer To The Exam Dates.
  • Guidance And Support For Finding Relevant Work Experience.
  • Free Scholarships For Exceptionally Performing Students.
  • Free Revisions Class.

How to become a professionally qualified CMA Member?

To become a CMA qualified Professional which gives you a global quality standard in management accounting which you have to combine apply academic learning with practical industry experience for you to qualify with the application of an expert knowledge of finance, in the real world. Training can be undertaken in any organization local or overseas which is highly appealing to businesses looking for ambitious and experienced employees.

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